
Showing posts from April, 2015

ASP.Net with MS SQL Database

In this blog I'll explain how to create database in MSSQL and connect it to ASP.Net web application. 1.  Create a database Employee. Set identity to the ‘id’ column. This will auto increment the id by 1 each time when the record is added.  2. C reate a Stored Procedure called ‘AddEmployee’. Stored Procedures are queries that you can write once and execute multiple times.  Set the required parameters using following format: @parameter_name parameter_type (size) 3.  Create empty ASP.Net project using Visual Studio. 4.  Add ConnectionString attribute to the Web.config file to get connected with our database.  5.  Create a dbConnection.cs to get connection string from the Web.config file.  6.  Create Employee class. NOTE: If you are using AJAX this class might be a problem when the JSON object names are not matched with this object property names. So decorate the class properties with the JsonProperty attribute.