mongoDB Aggregations to C#

mongoDB Aggregations to C#

mongoDB Aggregation 


  // Pipeline
    // Stage 1
      $match: {
               "UserProfiles.UserCompanyID": BinData(3, "mwOPobw5rtf6XidzEfd4PA==")

    // Stage 2
      $project: {
               Roles: "$UserProfiles.UserRoles"

    // Stage 3
      $unwind: "$Roles"




var collection = dbRepo.GetDbCollection().GetCollection<BsonDocument>(DBColletions.CollectionUserAccount);
var matchCompanyId = new BsonDocument { { "$match", new BsonDocument { { "UserProfiles.UserCompanyID", companyId } } } };

var projectRoles = new BsonDocument { { "$project", new BsonDocument { { "Roles", "$UserProfiles.UserRoles" } } } };

var unwindRoles = new BsonDocument { { "$unwind", "$Roles" } };

var pipeline = new[] { matchCompanyId, projectRoles, unwindRoles };

var result = collection.Aggregate<BsonDocument>(pipeline).ToList();


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