Angular 4 Notes (Part 3) - Directives, Events and Forms


There are 2 types of directive in Angular 4:
1. Attribute Directives (
2. Structural Directives (

For now lets learn about Structural Directives.
Lets create an array called hobbies.

  hobbies: string[];

this.hobbies = ['gamming', 'travelling', 'coding'];

Lets use Angular's predefined directives for this example.
We are going to use ngFor (

Go to your component template (user.component.html) and use this directive to populate the data in the array.

  <li *ngFor = "let hobby of hobbies">{{hobby}}</li>

You can use the Index if you want.

  <li *ngFor = "let hobby of hobbies; let i = index">{{i + 1}} - {{hobby}}</li>

This will list your hobbies in the array as bellow.


This define as:
(event type) = function name

1. Defined a click event in user.component.html
<button (click) = "clickMe()">Click Me</button>

2. Define clickMe method in user.component.ts
clickMe(){ = 'I have been clicked.';

This will change the value of the label when the button get clicked.


Lets add a form to add new hobbies.

1. Add following code to the user.component.html

<form (submit)="addHobby(hobby.value)">
    <label>Hobby: </label>
    <input type="text" #hobby/>

# - used to define id (Ex: #hobby)

2. Add addHobby() method to user.component.ts

    return false;   


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